Rueben Bussey 1818 - 1893
Rueben Bussey was a Nottingham Artist who painted five scenes of Holy Trinity Church Bulcote on one canvas, which now hangs in the Nave. Click on the following link to see the painting and others by the artist.
Reverend Anna Alls is vicar of the Benefice which is comprises the parishes of Burton Joyce, Bulcote, Stoke Bardolph, Lowdham, Caythorpe and Gunthorpe. Each parish is separate with their own Parochial Church Councils, but share clergy and worship.
Services at Holy Trinity, Bulcote:
There will be a service of Holy Communion on the second Tuesday of every month followed by refreshments .
All services are listed outside the church, on the notice boards, at the gate and in the porch.
Weekly services are held in the Parish Church, St Helen's Burton Joyce, starting with refreshments at 10.30am.
The Hub at St Helen's is a lively service with contemporary worship, we meet on the first wednesday of every month at 7.30pm
Coffee Chit Chat runs every week from 10am until around 11.30 in the Church Centre at St Helen's, join us for refreshments and chit chat.
Special and seasonal services are held at Holy Trinity Bulcote, keep an eye on our social media pages at www.achurchnearyou.com/church/17913/
Contact details or to book a wedding, a baptism or funeral:
Tracey Akehurst (Vicars PA)
Tel No: 0115 965 211
Email: tracey.akehurst@outlook.com
Reverend Anna Alls
Tel No: 07535 017 591
Email: reverend.anna.alls@gmail.com
I also have a Facebook account, Rev'd Anna, on which I post lots of details about church and community events, I occasionally blog or share sermons and I'm currently sharing a live video of mid day prayer as we're unable to gather together in church to worship.